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Which Protein Bar is the Healthiest?

Writer's picture: MEANPROTEIN - Rachael MEANPROTEIN - Rachael

Protein bars are increasing in popularity with 1 in 10 Brits consuming a protein bar regularly.

This could be due to protein bars' healthy labels or delicious flavours. A study would suggest that the main reason people eat protein bars is to make sure they are getting enough protein in their diets, among other factors such as weight loss and increasing their athletic performance.

But with ever increasing protein varieties and flavours to choose from, it might get you wondering which protein bars are the healthiest? Which Protein bars give you the most protein for the least calories? And how do protein bars compare to meat in regards to protein? See below for our study into protein bars and an in depth detail of the protein content of protein bars vs their calorie content.

We will filter these into order of protein quantity rather than the most popular protein bars and these are all brands which we include within our protein boxes. If you're more concerned with the calorie content than the protein quantity, you can skip halfway to see the detailed calorie chart.

1. Fulfil Bars

Ranking in at number one for protein quantity, we have the popular Fulfil bar. A Fulfil bar in the popular salted caramel flavour will provide you with 37g of protein per 100g consumed which will offset you by 371 calories if you were to eat that much Fulfil.

But per bar, this is only on average 216 calories and 20g of protein per bar. Plus, there are lots of added vitamins in these bars, such as 100% of your daily vitamin C which boosts your immune system. This makes them even healthier.

Not a bad quantity when you consider the average person needs between 50-60 grams of protein per day, increasing with the amount of activity you do. Therefore, a 20g protein bar gives you about 30% of your recommended daily protein.

2. Barebells

Barebells protein bars are also super healthy. They aren't far behind Fulfil with their protein totalling 36g per 100g at 379 calories or 20g per 208 calorie bar.

As there are a variety of flavours of Barebells, we recommend trying them all within a Mean Protein box which you can find details for here.

3. My Protein Layered Bar

Coming in third is the My Protein Layered Bar. These have an average of 34g protein per 100g which is 365 calories worth. Or 20g protein per 219 calorie bar.

As these bars as thick, crunchy and delicious, we highly recommend them for your protein fix.

4. Grenade Carb Killa

You've probably definitely seen Grenade Carb Killa bars in your local supermarkets as these are some of the most popular protein bars in the U.K which is understandable for their amazing protein content.

A Carb Killa is 33g protein per 100g which is a total of 376 calories if you eat two bars worth. For each bar it's at least 20g protein with an average of 226 calories per bar. Not bad as a pre workout snack with your morning coffee.

5. Optimum Nutrition Bar & Bulk Macro Munch

Joint 5th is the Optimum Nutrition Bar (these are the macros for the cookies & cream ON bar). This workout bar will give you 31g protein per 100g at 344 calories.

Or 20g protein per bar at 213 calories.

The other joint 5th is the Bulk Macro Munch bar which also has 32g protein per 100g at a higher 365 calories. That's 20g per 219 calorie protein bar.

Despite the higher calories per 100g in the Macro Munch they have a great variety of unique favours, such as the millionaires shortbread bar, making the calories worth while.

6. Optimum Nutrition Crisp Bar

This is one of the Mean Protein customer favourites due to its tasty texture. This bar gives you on average 31g protein per 100g at 327 calories. Or 20g per 213 calorie bar.

7. The Protein Works Loaded Legend Bar

The Loaded Legend comes in 7th. This is the first bar in the list with less than 20g protein per bar. A 100g serving will provide you with 30g protein at 373 calories or 15g per 186 calorie bar.

The calories in this bar are the lowest in the list so far, so this would be a good protein bar for dieting. However, the more protein consumed, the fuller you feel and therefore, as this bar has 15g protein, it may be best to go for the other bars analysed.

8. KIND protein bar

For this one we analysed the popular KIND peanut butter protein bar. KIND only use ingredients which are simply kind to your body and therefore, they use all natural ingredients, making these one of the healthiest protein bars.

In terms of protein content, they have only 24g protein per 100g which is 503 calories. That's 12g protein per 249 calorie KIND bar. Despite the higher calories in this bar, rest assured knowing that the healthy ingredients and the healthy fats from nuts will keep you full and ready for the day.

9. TREK Oat Flapjack

The TREK flapjacks come in ninth in the list of the healthiest protein bars. They will give you 20g protein per 100g which will be 435 calories. That's 10g protein per 216 calorie bar.

Even with a lower protein content, these flapjacks are delicious and are one of the Mean Protein customer favourites. Remember to check out Mean Protein boxes here.

10. Protein World Slender Bar

The protein world Slender Bar is a low calorie bar. It will give you 19g protein per 100g which will offset you 344 calories. As these bars are 'slender', they are only 183 calories per bar and each slender bar gives you 10g protein.

But for only 21 extra calories you could have a FULFIL bar which is top of the list. Much to think about here.

11. Clif Bar Chocolate Flavour

Sadly, the Clif bar comes in lowest in our protein bar list. However, they are still great as they are widely known to provide a lot of carbs which your body needs to do adventurous sports, such as climbing cliffs.

A cliff bar will cost you 400 calories per 100g which will give you 14g protein. They are 9.2g protein per 271 calorie bar. Just what you need for your outdoor sports.

So, that's the full list complete. Let's have a look at the findings below:

The graph below runs in order from lowest to highest calories in protein bars:

Analysing these statistics the following can be noted:

💪 The lowest calorie bar is the Slender Bar which is only 183 calories. The Protein Works Loaded Legend bar is just after this with 186 calories per bar.

💪 The lowest calorie bar with the most protein is the Optimum Nutrition Crisp Bar. This has 20G protein per 213 calorie bar.

💪 The best bars in terms of protein are the first 6 in the list (at the top of this page) which all give you 20g protein per protein bar.

💪 The most 'natural' bar is the KIND bar which only uses natural ingredients.

But no matter which delicious protein bar you choose to eat from our protein bar healthy list, you will always attain the gains and stay healthy as long as you are getting enough protein throughout your diet.

As a reference, 100g chicken breast gives you 31g protein and it's only 165 calories. So make sure you get some natural protein into your diet as well as the delicious protein bars!

What's your favourite protein bar? Tell us here.

Why not try out all the protein bars within a monthly protein subscription box? We promise, you will look forward to restocking your protein bar supplies each month. And you can now tell us which are your favourites while checking out, for a more personalised box.

Enjoy your protein.



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